Application Development

Outloud Ltd specialises in developing rehabilitative mobile applications. Our multidisciplinary team, consisting of therapists and IT professionals, ensures that we understand your needs and can create a technically functional application based on them. If you have an application development idea, contact us and request a quote!

Examples of apps ordered from us


Kuulorata is an application designed for practising hearing. You can complete speech tasks, music tasks, or games at different difficulty levels. There are plenty of tasks available, and the app generates new content for them continuously. So, you can redo tasks repeatedly and improve your previous results.

Choral Singing App (Kuorolaulusovellus)

Outloud was involved in the research project "Singing Words: Choral Singing in Aphasia Rehabilitation" conducted by the Cognitive Brain Research Unit of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Helsinki from 2017 to 2020. The project aimed to investigate the effectiveness of choir singing-based rehabilitation for individuals with aphasia.

In collaboration with Helsinki University Central Hospital, the Aphasia and Stroke Association, and the Brain Association of Finland, Outloud developed a choir singing training application tailored for individuals with aphasia. This app enabled aphasia patients participating in choir training to practice singing at home. The application features functions such as recording the produced singing, analyzing its acoustic features (pitch, rhythm, and intensity), and providing motivational feedback.

Previous collaboration with researchers and Outloud's expertise in developing voice-controlled games, sound-analyzing applications, and audio libraries make Outloud an excellent partner for the project.

Teppo Särkämö, Principal Investigator & Associate Professor