We provide training for parents, daycare staff, users of various communication aids, and experienced therapists. In addition to the sample training listed, we have organised workshops on topics such as autism rehabilitation, teletherapy, play theory, and many others.
We organise training independently as well as in collaboration with our partners. If you have a topic in mind that you're curious about, don't hesitate to contact us, and let's build an excellent training program together!
Upcoming Trainings
Meiltä saa koulutusta esim. seuraavista aiheista
- Yhteisöjen ohjaus
- Asiakkaan motivointi
- AAC-keinot eli kommunikoinnin tukikeinot
- Autistisen asiakkaan kohtaaminen ja kuntoutus
- Auditiivis-verbaaliterapiamenetelmä (AVT)
- Kommunikoinnin portaat (mitä, kenelle ja missä vaiheessa)
- Digitaalisten palveluiden saavutettavuus
Examples of Our Training Courses
Auditory-Verbal Therapy (AVT)
Auditory-Verbal Therapy (AVT) is specifically designed for the rehabilitation of children using hearing aids and cochlear implants. It is not merely a collection of auditory exercises but aims to integrate auditory learning into every moment of the day. A key aspect of therapy is active parental involvement in fun and functional everyday situations. We have organised AVT training sessions with AVT therapist Elizabeth Tyszkiewicz. The training is conducted in English. The next training session is planned for fall 2023.
Guiding Communities and Motivating Change in Therapy Work
How to encourage clients to practise between sessions? How to engage clients and their close circle in actively using new assistive devices? Both require behaviour change in the client and their social network. In health and sports psychology, much research has been done on the types of guidance that can support behaviour change and stimulate motivation to change. These learnings are applicable to various forms of guidance. In this training, we delve into the factors influencing behaviour change and how they can be utilised in client guidance. You will also learn about motivational coaching interactions and the significance of action plans in generating and sustaining motivation.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Stages
What communication support methods could be utilised at each developmental stage? How do you know which method works? In Outloud's Communication Stages training, we explore the development of communication and its various stages. The training discusses which method would be suitable for each stage. The Communication Support Methods Stages have been developed in collaboration with Tampere University Hospital's Assistive Device Center and Phoniatrics Clinic. The working group includes Sari Numminen, Jenni Himanka, Aino-Maija Parkkonen, Jaana Reuter, and Ulla Sergejeff.