Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy can take place at the client's home, daycare, school, or in a clinic setting. Currently, the majority of Outloud's therapists work with children, but we are able to provide occupational therapy for individuals of all ages.

Pediatric occupational therapy

In children's occupational therapy, purposeful and goal-directed play is often utilised as a tool. Play at just the right level motivates the child to practise more and experience success. Outloud's clinic is located at Tampereen Kuntoutuspaja, where there are inspiring spaces for play and activities. These spaces provide opportunities for sensory integration activities in the gym, as well as versatile workshop and art spaces, and a therapy kitchen.

A child attending occupational therapy can practice

  • Motor skills
  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Play skills
  • Attention span
  • Self-regulation
  • Social interaction and communication skills
  • Emotional regulation skills
  • Sensory processing