Occupational and Speech Therapy & Rehabilitative Applications
Outloud in Brief
Outloud is a Tampere-based company founded in 2013. We provide speech therapy, occupational therapy, and application development. Under one roof, we bring together professionals from therapy and technology fields to actively develop new solutions for the therapy sector.
Additionally, we organize training sessions on relevant topics. If you have an idea, feel free to contact us. We're eager to collaborate with you to bring it to life!
Kiinnostaako yrittäjyys webinaari
Kiinnostaako yrittäjyys -webinaari torstaina 30.1.2025 klo 16.15-17.30 Kiinnostaako yrittäjyys tai oletko joskus miettinyt oman yrityksen perustamista? Tule kuulemaan Tampereen Kuntoutuspaja osk:n terapeuttien yritystarinoita ja kokemuksia terapia-alan yrittämisestä! Iltapäivän webinaarissa kerromme yrityksen perustamisesta, lupien hankkimisesta, kilpailutuksista, [...]
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Vuosi uusissa tiloissa! Olemme olleet uusissa tiloissamme jo vuoden! Vähitellen tavarat ovat löytäneet paikkansa ja arki rullaa mukavasti.
Also, explore these

Matkalaukkuseula is now available from Outloud shop. Matkalaukkuseula is a functional hearing screening tool for three-year-olds, developed at TAYS Hearing Center and intended for use in child health clinics. It facilitates the detection of mild hearing impairments as early as three years of age. Explore Matkalaukkuseula and order your own copy from our online store!

Päivä Kerrallaan Tool
Explore the Day by Day Tool designed by speech therapist Ulla Sergejeff. It is a downloadable form that can be used to assess what a person with speech impairments can express and how they can make choices and influence their lives in various everyday situations throughout the day.

Speech Therapy
The purpose of speech therapy is to alleviate, mitigate, and prevent speech and language disorders as well as associated communication problems. Our speech therapists work with children, adolescents, and adults, both individually and in group therapy. We also conduct speech therapy assessments. Get to know our therapists!

Occupational Therapy
The goal of occupational therapy is to support the independent functioning of children, adolescents, and adults in their daily lives, including at home, work, and learning environments. Occupational therapy is a form of functional rehabilitation based on the interaction between the client and the therapist, focusing on engaging in meaningful activities important to the clients. Get to know our therapists!

We actively organize training sessions! With years of experience, we provide training for therapists, daycare staff, parents, and users of range of communication aids. Some of the most popular training topics include Auditory-Verbal Therapy (AVT), rehabilitation of interaction in autistic children, and community guidance. We conduct training session ourselves as well as with guest lecturers. For information on upcoming training sessions, please check the "Current" section on these pages. Participate in our trainings or request your own training from us!