Visit Instructions

Our premises are located at Hatanpään valtatie 34, on the 3rd floor of the Hatanpää industrial building. Access to the premises is available through both the B staircase via stairs and the A staircase via external stairs and an elevator. If needed, accessible entry can be arranged.

From Hatanpään Valtatie

Turn at Hatanpään valtatie 34 near the car dealership, opposite the water treatment plant, into the courtyard. There is a gate on the street with the number 34 illuminated on the lights.

By Bus

The nearest bus stop when coming from the city center is Viinikanlahti (2500), and when coming from the other direction Viinikanlahti (2503).

By Tram

The nearest tram stop is Sorinaukio, located 750 meters away, served by tram line 1.

To Hatanpään Teollisuustalo Building

Once you enter the courtyard, walk towards the end of the yard where the Hatanpään teollisuustalo (industrial building) is located. The entrance, when viewed from the approach direction, is at the left end of the building, where there are also paid parking spaces.


Our office on the third floor can be accessed from both the A staircase (external stairs and elevator) and the B staircase (stairs only). If you require wheelchair access to the premises, please contact our staff.

Description of Accessible Arrangements

From the courtyard, there is a fixed asphalt loading ramp leading down to the entrance of the H staircase. The slope of the descent to the door is moderately steep. The door to the H staircase is locked, so someone with a key will need to meet you at the external door. The external door is wide and accessible for electric wheelchairs. Inside the building, there is a level corridor leading to the industrial elevator. The elevator has a heavy metal door that opens by pulling and pushing, which may require assistance. The waiting area is spacious and easily accessible, with an adjacent accessible restroom equipped with handrails. The doors to the reception rooms are standard-sized with varying thresholds.

Block A: Right-hand entrance
Block B: Left-hand entrance